Tag Archives: Electrical Design

The risks of not backing up your PLC data… | Melbourne

Programmable Logic Control (PLC) technology has been in use for many decades now, and over this time the size and complexity of the software in a PLC’s memory has increased at an incredible rate. The computing power of these devices has evolved as well. Modern PLC’s are quite robust compared to their antiquated predecessors. However, […]

April Mobile Mail 2013 | Australia

Press here to view the April 2013 Mobile Mail   In this issue we Discuss our involvement with the ‘W’ Class Tram’s and describe how we integrated modern technology into these classic Melbourne icons Acknowledge the newly available grants to boost manufacturers technology from the Victorian Government, and Welcome Ultraspin Pty. Ltd. to our valued clientele base

Victorian Government Manufacturing Grants | Victoria

The Victorian Government are offering grants of up to $250, 000 on a competitive basis to assist manufacturers to purchase and integrate new technologies. These grants are to provide businesses with the ability to improve business productivity and competitiveness, strengthen capability; and encourage wider and ongoing innovation. The closing date for these grants is the […]

Monthly Newsletter | Australia

We have launched our monthly newsletter ‘Mobile Mail’, for April 2013. We endeavour to provide the reader with valuable information regarding our services, projects that we are undertaking, and changes in the industrial landscape that may affect your organisation. If you wish to be included in future mail outs, email enquiries@mobileelectrics.com.au or comment below on this […]